Month: April 2018

Chobe National Park

The next mor­ning we peel out of bed at half past five and pack our things. Becau­se befo­re we con­ti­nue our jour­ney, we want to do the mor­ning game dri­ve. Over the dark road at the wild cor­ri­dor we dri­ve to Kasa­ne, for­t­u­na­te­ly wit­hout see­ing an ele­phant and park our car

By 3. April 2018 0

Zimbabwe and Victoria Falls

The next mor­ning we lea­ve ear­ly to Zim­bab­we to see the Vic­to­ria Falls. Our dri­ver intro­du­ces hims­elf as Richard and looks like Rasta­man hims­elf, unfort­u­na­te­ly he wears a knit­ted cap over his huge amount of hair, so that we can’t admi­re Ras­ta­fa­ri in its totality.

On our

By 3. April 2018 0

Boat trip on Chobe: Better than the movies

When we final­ly arri­ve at the Leso­ma Val­ley Lodge we are all pret­ty exhaus­ted. For­t­u­na­te­ly, howe­ver, it is still ear­ly enough to do some­thing. Pro­ba­b­ly becau­se I dro­ve way too fast and despi­te the detour to the vet check­point and water crossing we are one hour fas­ter than

By 3. April 2018 0

140 kilometers to civilisation

The next mor­ning we make our way back at 7 am. We have a good 140 kilo­me­t­res ahead of us befo­re we reach civi­li­sa­ti­on again and we also have a lot on our todo list: Shop­ping, having tyres repai­red and abo­ve all buy­ing beer. This, of cour­se, is at the top, under­li­ned in bold and cur­led in red.

By 2. April 2018 0

Moremi Game Reserve: Breakdowns and stupid questions

Game drive in Moremi

After a long and rela­xed break­fast in the Bots­wa­na mor­ning sun we pack our seven things and start our game dri­ve through the More­mi Natio­nal Park.

Just as we lea­ve our camp­si­te, a huge ele­phant stands behind the next bush and shakes the fruits from the tree. What a sight.

By 2. April 2018 0

By boat through the Okavango Delta

Befo­re we start the boat trip, boat­man Zeero explains the rules to us. No hands or feet in the water and no lea­ning out of the boat, becau­se it is tee­ming with cro­co­di­les and hip­pos, no loud noi­ses, not get­ting up in the boat except Zero allows us to and gene­ral­ly to be

By 2. April 2018 0