Canoeing on the Budhi Rapti River

As soon as we arri­ve in the natio­nal park, we alre­a­dy start our adven­ture. Today it should be a canoe trip with a tra­di­tio­nal woo­den boat, which is not much big­ger than a pea­nut. In prin­ci­ple, it’s always a good idea when cro­co­di­les are wai­ting for fal­ling food on the riverbank.

By 31. May 2018 0

From Pokhara to Chittwan

This mor­ning we have to lea­ve very ear­ly, becau­se on the way to Chitt­wan Natio­nal Park the­re is a pass road, which is clo­sed from 10 am to 4 pm becau­se of con­s­truc­tion work. If we don’t reach it in time, we will have to spend a who­le day on the slo­pe and that’s not on

By 28. May 2018 0

2 weeks Nepal without trekking

Nepal wit­hout hiking? Yes, it is clear that one or the other asks hims­elf why one wants to visit the coun­try with the hig­hest moun­tain in the world wit­hout clim­bing it.

Even though it is temp­ting to hike seve­ral days through the Hima­la­yas and to feel like a gre­at climber,

By 27. May 2018 0

Shanti Stupa and Sangkott

From our bal­c­o­ny you can see a won­derful­ly white shi­ning stu­pa high up on a moun­tain and I real­ly want to take a clo­ser look at it.

In prin­ci­ple, the­re are seve­ral ways to get to the object of desi­re. First: You rent a boat, row to the other side of the lake and then

By 27. May 2018 0

Annapurna Base Camp

If you are phy­si­cal­ly able, you can reach the Anna­pur­na Base Camp at an alti­tu­de of over 4,000 meters in a trek las­ting seve­ral days. Mir­ko, on the other hand, would like to, but is neither fit enough nor wil­ling to take on such a stre­nuous hike. The financially

By 26. May 2018 0

New Year’s Eve in Nepal – Happy 2075

The next mor­ning rewards with a won­derful­ly clear view of the Hima­la­yas and a home­ma­de Tibe­tan break­fast with ome­lette, fresh­ly baked bread and yac­tee. This is a spe­cial Tibe­tan spe­cia­li­ty made from but­ter, salt, milk and tea and tas­tes like a mix­tu­re of milk tea and broth.

By 26. May 2018 0

Visiting Tibetans

From Bandipur to Pokhara

At 6:30 a.m. the­re is a ban­ging on our room door, it is our gui­de from yes­ter­day and at the first moment I fear that we have overs­lept. Lucki­ly it turns out a litt­le later that it’s ear­ly in the mor­ning and we still have ple­nty of time. The reason for the exci­te­ment is

By 24. May 2018 0