Dune 45

Dune 45

30. September 2018 0 By

As the day ends, the next one beg­ins, name­ly with dunes. Today we lea­ve the hotel at at 5:30 am befo­re sun­ri­se and dri­ve to kilo­met­re 45 and to dune 45. This time I am much more rela­xed due to the new­ly lear­ned inter­pre­ta­ti­on of the law.

At the blue hour on the dune

Short­ly after 6 am the blue hour beg­ins, when the hori­zon turns from black to blue and the sun needs a litt­le more time to show its­elf. At the begin­ning of the gol­den hour, short­ly befo­re sun­ri­se and befo­re break­fast, we take a litt­le forced march on dune 45, this time we want to expe­ri­ence the sun­ri­se from the hig­hest point. Vero­ni­ca is alre­a­dy out of sight after 10 minu­tes and in my opi­ni­on it is com­ple­te­ly unli­kely that we will see her once again in this holi­day. I try to whip Mir­ko up the moun­tain until we final­ly find a half­way com­for­ta­ble place and enjoy the sun­ri­se from the­re. The only thing that dis­turbs me is a guy who robs hims­elf down the dune during my timel­ap­se attempt.

The way down is less exhaus­ting, becau­se you can just slide through the sand. Almost at the same time as Vero­ni­ca we reach the par­king lot and first of all we eat our packed lunch. A suc­cessful mor­ning I would say.

Next: Downhill run at Sossusfley