Good preparation is everything

Good preparation is everything

1. April 2018 0 By

If you are plan­ning a trip to Bots­wa­na, you should be pre­pared for the Afri­can spi­rit at the time of plan­ning. If you think that hotels and cam­ping sites are quite easy to find via one of the well-known online boo­king por­tals, you are mista­ken. Ins­tead, I’ve been emai­ling peo­p­le with fun­ny names like Alas­ka­ni, Zamin­ga and Lekang for about 4 weeks and 2 hours a day. Half Eng­lish, half Afri­kaans of course!

On avera­ge I nee­ded about 8 mails, 5 boo­king forms, various regis­tra­ti­ons for online cre­dit card pay­ment sys­tems and 12 bars of cho­co­la­te for the ner­ves per accom­mo­da­ti­on. If you think the beau­tiful new world makes it easy to pay online by cre­dit card, you’­re wrong here too. Eit­her the site is not reacha­ble due to a bad inter­net con­nec­tion or it does not work for other reasons. The valuable advice I recei­ved from my Bots­wa­nan agent, name­ly sim­ply to try ano­ther 30 times, at some point it will alre­a­dy work, did not get me any further.

Ins­tead, I had to use the good old fax and send my cre­dit card data eit­her by e‑mail or by fax across the glo­be. The data-pro­tec­tion-trai­ned Ger­man alre­a­dy has the beads of sweat on his fore­head. But in Bots­wa­na this seems per­fect­ly nor­mal. May­be I should send my company’s data pro­tec­tion offi­cer the­re, then it would stop very quickly.

Sin­ce I don’t own a fax machi­ne, of cour­se, I had to use an inter­net pro­vi­der who tried to send the fax to the right num­ber about 12 times. Unfort­u­na­te­ly I had to deter­mi­ne that said online pro­vi­der is also not the brigh­test cand­le on the cake, becau­se my boo­king form with all my data inclu­ding cre­dit card data and the secu­ri­ty code were acci­den­tal­ly sent to the Bava­ri­an tax office!

I repeat: The Bava­ri­an tax office! Howe­ver the online fax ser­vice came up with the glo­rious idea of sen­ding a form for a com­pa­ny cal­led „Xoma­ne Bots­wa­na“ to the Bava­ri­an tax office, I will pro­ba­b­ly not find out in this life.

After 4 long weeks and an almost bald head rip­ping off my hair, the jour­ney was final­ly per­fect. Of cour­se, the girls plan­ned it! It could have been so nice if I had­n’t recei­ved an email about a week befo­re depar­tu­re with the fol­lo­wing content:

Hel­lo, unfort­u­na­te­ly we have to inform you that the boo­ked camp­si­te in the natio­nal park is no lon­ger acces­si­ble. Due to the hea­vy rain­fall the bridge was washed away and this is the only way to get to the campsite.

Yes, thank you very much for the infor­ma­ti­on! Would have been nice to offer me ano­ther solu­ti­on ins­tead of lite­ral­ly lea­ving me out in the rain. After as much as 5 more mails, a repla­ce­ment camp was final­ly found. I hope this isn’t floo­ded when we arri­ve. We’ll let our­sel­ves be sur­pri­sed. As a pre­cau­ti­on I pre­fer to watch 49 You­Tube vide­os on the same evening on how best to cross a river with a jeep.

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, this does­n’t real­ly reassu­re me eit­her, becau­se as I learn, one should always walk the cour­se before­hand to check the water depth and the ground con­di­ti­on. The pro­blem is: Water in Bots­wa­na is total­ly dan­ge­rous. All kinds of death traps lurk here, from cro­co­di­les and sna­kes to nasty and natu­ral­ly dead­ly bac­te­ria. So the best thing is to keep my know­ledge to mys­elf and send someone else through the river the first time we cross a river.

By the way, our tra­vel group has its pre­mie­re this year, becau­se this is the first time that four of us go on holi­day. Also pre­sent is Vero­ni­ca, my sis­ter in spi­rit, ex room­ma­te and future room­ma­te of the firm­ly plan­ned seni­or citi­zen shared flat, her boy­fri­end Pierre, whom we had to con­vin­ce for a who­le year to do this jour­ney and my always hun­gry Mir­ko, who has been dre­a­ming of ante­lo­pe steak for 3 weeks now.

 Next: Wel­co­me to Windhoek