Borobudur Selfies of Indonesia

Borobudur Selfies of Indonesia

26. March 2018 0 By

After ano­ther 30 minu­tes we reach Boro­bu­dur, the beau­tiful Bud­dhist temp­le, which was built 9,000 after Christ. In the mean­ti­me it was com­ple­te­ly over­grown and has been acces­si­ble again sin­ce the 1960s. Here, too, we have to pay ent­rance fees. This time we meet our ticket dea­ler in the par­king lot, which I find a bit stran­ge. Pro­ba­b­ly he got it che­a­per at the offi­ci­al coun­ter and now he gets the full pri­ce from us. All right, I don’t care whe­re the money goes, it’s gone any­way. A clo­ser look at the ticket reve­als that it was not only che­a­per, it was com­ple­te­ly free of charge.

At least the­re is a free cof­fee after the secu­ri­ty check and we tre­at our­sel­ves to a gui­de who accom­pa­nies us through the temp­le com­plex. If he spo­ke a litt­le slower, per­haps he could be understood.

Rough­ly, howe­ver, I can under­stand that the temp­le con­sists of three levels, the lower one, which repres­ents the earth­ly life, the midd­le one, which one rea­ches through good deeds and the upper level, Nir­va­na. This can be achie­ved by being a Bud­dha yours­elf. We’­re not, but we’­re still clim­bing up to the top level. Ups­tairs seve­ral school clas­ses are wai­ting for us today, which appar­ent­ly are on an excur­si­on to the temp­le. In every cor­ner the­re is giggling and whis­pe­ring behind us, which is a sure sign that the next sel­fie ses­si­on will not be long to hap­pen. Ever­yo­ne is wai­ting for our gui­de to say good­bye. Then all hell breaks loose.

We are sur­roun­ded by 30 school­girls and more than 30 mobi­le pho­nes and ever­yo­ne wants to take a pic­tu­re with us. The girls are hap­py as if they have just won the lot­tery. Unfort­u­na­te­ly I do not have my pur­se with me, other­wi­se we would have alre­a­dy had the ent­rance back. Then it’s the boys‘ turn and final­ly even the tea­chers want a sel­fie with us. What do they do when a real cele­bri­ty shows up?

On the way to the exit we can­not take a sin­gle step wit­hout someone waving a mobi­le pho­ne or rea­ding a note with inti­mi­da­ti­on like „Can I take a pho­to with you“. Appar­ent­ly the young peo­p­le have only pre­pared for this one moment during their visit to the temp­le or may­be they are all prac­ti­cing for their care­er as papa­raz­zi. After our arri­val nobo­dy is inte­res­ted in the temp­le its­elf anymore.


After we have left the screa­ming teen­agers behind us, the next pur­suers are alre­a­dy wai­ting for us. Name­ly the sou­ve­nir ven­dors. About 500 meters befo­re the exit, 20 guys stra­te­gi­cal­ly posi­ti­on them­sel­ves. The attack takes place both sides and fron­tal­ly and befo­re we know it, they have taken us into the pin­cer. After 30 seconds we have lost Mir­ko, who is now sur­roun­ded by 6 mer­chants and buys use­l­ess sou­ve­nirs, which he does not want at all. After 60 seconds Vero­ni­ca made the big mista­ke to look too clo­se­ly at the offe­red ref­ri­ge­ra­tor magnets. Now she has a pene­t­ra­ting per­se­cu­tor, who fol­lows her even after the exit. That in turn almost cau­sed her a ner­vous break­down, becau­se she had­n’t coun­ted on them to get out of here.

After 90 seconds I bought some­thing I don’t want and after 100 seconds Pierre also has a bag with some extra­or­di­na­ri­ly useful things in his hand. God, I’m so glad we final­ly got back to our car.

Any out­bound call cen­ter agent who sells old granny’s cell pho­ne con­tracts could learn some­thing here. May­be my com­pa­ny should open a sub­si­dia­ry right at the temp­le. Whe­ther sou­ve­nirs or ser­vices are to be sold is irrele­vant for the­se trad­ers. They’ll get ever­y­thing sold, I’m sure.

Con­ti­nue: Rai­ny Dieng plateau