Month: November 2016

500000 Buddhas in a single temple

The Than­bod­dhay Pago­da is a beau­tiful temp­le com­plex at the foot of a hill, which was built over 10 years ago. No won­der, con­side­ring that the­re are 500,000 Bud­dha sta­tu­es and lots of gold to see.  As soon as we arri­ve, the pago­da magi­cal­ly attracts us. The

By 9. November 2016 0

Cycle tour of horror

In the mor­ning we meet our dri­ver at 7am sharp. He actual­ly came back and he actual­ly has the cell pho­ne we thought we had lost! It’s hard to belie­ve how honest the­se peo­p­le are. In Euro­pe, I would­n’t have drea­med someone would bring it back.

Our dri­ver also tells us a

By 7. November 2016 0

Pagodas, Mandalay hill and other wonders

Sight seeing in Mandalay

First we visit the Kut­ho­daw Pago­da, which hou­ses about 800 small white pago­das next to a big gol­den stu­pa. The con­s­truc­tion is sim­ply impres­si­ve and it is won­derful­ly peaceful here. Accom­pa­nied by roman­tic bird­song and dra­ma­tic cloud for­ma­ti­ons we make our rounds here

By 6. November 2016 0

The search for the Royal Palace

Due to the jet­lag the night in the queen size bed is alre­a­dy over for me at 4:57 o’clock and I can’t expect to final­ly get under a warm show­er. After I felt 30 minu­tes lon­ging for warm water I have to rea­li­ze that the show­er will stay cold and turn my rela­xing bath into

By 5. November 2016 0

Entry and experiments with the power supply

Travel preparations

This time we real­ly want to make a jour­ney off the bea­ten track. The undis­co­ver­ed cor­ners of Sou­the­ast Asia are rare and North Korea is pro­ba­b­ly still at the top of the list. In view of the recent nuclear bomb test, howe­ver, this year we are opting for the some­what less

By 4. November 2016 0